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Ayr/Arr – Whole, Bengali Cut & Cleaned W/Head & Tail (700 gms)
₹343.00/ 700 gmsThe Aar fish from Kolkatfish is available as Bengali Cut. With its head removed and thoroughly cleaned, the fish is neatly sliced. Also known as Aor or Seenghala, Aar has a medium-firm texture with a mild flavor. This fish really tastes good when cooked a bit spicy.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Ayr/Arr (Large)- Kata, Bengali Cut & Cleaned Without Head-Ring Pieces (500 gms)
₹399.00/ 500 gmsThe Aar fish from Kolkatfish is available as Bengali Cut. With its head removed and thoroughly cleaned, the fish is neatly sliced. Also known as Aor or Seenghala, Aar has a medium-firm texture with a mild flavor. This fish really tastes good when cooked a bit spicy.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bacha-Whole, Gutted, Cut & Cleaned (400 gm)
₹201.00/ 400 gmBacha fish, also known as Chinese longnose fish, is a freshwater fish that is commonly caught in northeast Asia. The fish is known for its long, slender snout and for being easy to catch.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Basa (Pangasius)-Fillet, Platinum grade (250 gms)- Fry Pieces (5-6 Pcs)
₹165.00/ 250 gmsBasa is a very forgiving fish has a flaky white meat with a delicate flavour similar to cod. It is easy to cook and doesn’t smell too fishy. So for the first time fish eaters, it’s the best bet.
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Bata (Desi) – Whole, Gutted & Cleaned, (500 gms)
₹145.00/ 500 gmsBata fish recipe is a pure Bengali delicacy and of course the comfort food of every Bengali house. Freshly caught whole Bata fish pieces are thoroughly cleaned and gutted. This lean fish has a soft, delicate texture with a mild, nutty flavour.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bengal/Desi Catla(Katla)- Large – Premium- Live- Whole, Bengali Cut & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (3 kg)
₹1,079.00/ 3 kgYour day will undoubtedly be improved by this live fish.A treat for Bengali cuisine, this medium-sized Bengali-cut piece is nicely curved and will help your delectable curry taste even better. This fish is a top pick for you because of its strong flavour and tender texture. This fish can be identified by its broad stomach and enormous head.
Cutting- Gada Peti Cut
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bengal/Desi Catla(katla)- Premium- Live – Whole, Bengali Cut & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (2 kg)
₹646.00/ 2 kgThis live fish is definitely going to make your day. A delight for the Bengali cuisine, which is neatly curved into a medium-sized Bengali-cut piece to help elevate the taste of your delicious curry. It’s sharp flavor and soft texture makes this fish a best buy for you. This fish is recognized by it’s large head and broad stomach.
Cutting- Gada Peti Cut
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bengal/Desi Rohu (Rui)-Premium- Live – Whole, Bengali Cut & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (1.5 kg)
₹421.00/ 1.5 kgLocally Raised Freshwater Fish, this live fish is slashed into standard Bengali-Cut Pieces. A bony with a soft texture and elusive flavor makes this fish an excellent choice when it comes to preparing a fish curry.
Cutting- Gada Peti Pieces
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bhetki/Vetki – Premium (Kolkata/Desi)-Kata, Bengali Cut {W/O Head} (500 gms)
₹525.00/ 500 gmsWonderfully flavored and neatly sliced into Bengali-cut this fish is a delight to your cuisine because of its delicateness, richness, and tenderness. Lean and luscious, get creative with this versatile cut without head and tail. Though mild-flavored, it imparts its delicious flavor to your favorite curries.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bhetki/Vetki (Kolkata/Desi) -Fillet- Premium (250 gms)- Fish Fry Pieces (5-6 Pcs)
₹399.00/ 250 gmsWonderfully flavored and neatly sliced into Bengali-cut this fish is a delight to your cuisine because of its delicateness, richness, and tenderness. Lean and luscious, get creative with this fillet. Though mild-flavored, it imparts its delicious flavor to your favorite curries.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bhetki/Vetki (Kolkata/Desi) -Finger Fry Pieces- Premium (250 gms)- (10-12 Pcs)
₹399.00/ 250 gmsBhetki Finger Fry Pieces around 20 Gms each.
Wonderfully flavored and neatly sliced into finger pieces, is a delight to your cuisine because of its delicateness, richness, and tenderness. Lean and luscious, get creative with this fillet. Though mild-flavored, it imparts its delicious flavor to your favorite curries.Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bhetki/Vetki (Kolkata/Desi) Paturi Pieces- Premium (300 gms) (5-6 Pcs)
₹499.00/ 300 gmsBarramundi fish cooked in Bengali style and wrapped in banana leaf is known as Bengali Bhetki Macher Paturi.
The bhetki fish pieces are individually wrapped in banana leaves, marinated in a seasoned mustard sauce, then slowly cooked till soft.Buy Online Bhetki/Vetki Paturi
Bhetki/Vetki (Small) – Premium (Kolkata/Desi)-Whole, Bengali Cut {W Head & Tail} (800 gms)
₹545.00/ 800 gmsWonderfully flavored and neatly sliced into Bengali-cut this fish is a delight to your cuisine because of its delicateness, richness, and tenderness. Lean and luscious, get creative with this versatile cut without head and tail. Though mild-flavored, it imparts its delicious flavor to your favorite curries.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Boal/Helicopter Catfish-Bengali Cut & Cleaned {W/O Head}-Large (400 grams)
₹285.00/ 400 gmsBoal Mach or Wallago Fish (as it is called in English) has always been a super delicious. The fish belongs to catfish category and is delicate in nature. Fleshy, soft, flavourful, oily and super tasty Boal Mach is quite a versatile fish and can be cooked in various ways.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Catla (Katla)- Head (1 Piece)
₹69.00/ Piece1 Piece
Size – Medium
One medium Catla fish-head cleaned, cleaved in two. Meaty with the freshwater sweetness, this one’s strictly crafted for a fish lover. So, if you are looking for the perfect Bengali Moori Ghonto or Macher matha diye Mung Dal, we have got just the thing for you.
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Catla(Katla) Gada (Chalani) – Large – Gada Pieces Only (500 gms)
₹269.00/ 500 gmsIf you are planning for a Catla Kaliya/curry recipe then this package is ideal for you requirement. A delight for the Bengali cuisine, which is neatly curved into a medium-sized Bengali-cut piece to help elevate the taste of your delicious curry. This freshwater fish has a sharp flavor and soft texture which makes this fish a best buy for you. This fish is recognized by it’s large head and broad stomach.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Catla(Katla) Kata (Desi-Premium) Large-Bengali Cut {without Head }-Gada/Peti Pieces (500 gm)
₹249.00/ 500 gFor those who want to enjoy the best parts of the fish body, this package is packed with the shoulder and lower portion of the belly. Head and tail are excluded from this package. A delight for the Bengali cuisine, which is neatly curved into a medium-sized Bengali-cut piece to help elevate the taste of your delicious curry. This freshwater fish has a sharp flavor and soft texture which makes this fish a best buy for you.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Catla(Katla) Peti – Medium {Belly part} (Chalani), Peti Pieces Only (500 gms)
₹289.00/ 500 gmsIf you are planning for a Catla Kaliya recipe then this package is ideal for you requirement. Belly portion is the best part of the fish body, this package is packed with belly portion only. A delight for the Bengali cuisine, which is neatly curved into a medium-sized Bengali-cut piece to help elevate the taste of your delicious curry. This freshwater fish has a sharp flavor and soft texture which makes this fish a best buy for you. This fish is recognized by it’s large head and broad stomach.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Catla(Katla) Whole (Chalani) {With Head & Tail} (Bengali Cut & Cleaned) (2.4 kg)
₹695.00/ 2.4 kgThis fish is recognized by its large head and broad stomach. A delight for the Bengali cuisine, which is neatly curved into a medium-sized Bengali-cut piece to help elevate the taste of your delicious curry. This freshwater fish has a sharp flavor and soft texture which makes this fish a best buy for you.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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CharaPona/Baby Rui-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (600 gm)
₹133.00/ 600 gmLocally Raised Freshwater Fish, this live fish is slashed into standard Bengali-Cut Pieces. A bony with a soft texture and elusive flavor makes this fish an excellent choice when it comes to preparing a fish curry.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Chital/Knife Fish – Peti/Belly Part (600 gms)
₹551.00/ 600 gms“Chital ” also known as clown knife fish is a freshwater fish variety found in Bengal and other Asian countries. This is a huge fish and the meat of the fish is rich in protein. Its belly is really scrumptious, full of fat, and only contains few strong and long bones, which is easily separable from the fish.
Prices are on Gross Weight.
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Chital/Knife Fish Muitha (Boneless) (500 gms)
₹658.00/ 500 gmsOne of the traditional Bengali fish curry dishes is chital macher muitha, also known as chitol macher muitha, which is a pure Bengali delicacy.
Chital fish nuggets are cooked in a hot onion-tomato sauce in this recipe for slobbering, flavorful, and spicy chital macher.
In Bangladesh and West Bengal, it is incredibly well-liked.
This delicious Bengali fish stew is a must-have on the menu of any real Bengali restaurant. -
Foli/Phouli/Bronze featherback (Desi)-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (500 grams)
₹229.00/ 500 gmsFoli is a fresh water fish found popularly in South & Southeast Asia. Foli is known for its unique flavor and flaky, tender texture. Order whole, cleaned & gutted Foli online from Kolkatafish and get it delivered to your doorstep.
Prices are on Gross Weight.
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Indian Salmon/Gurjali – Large – Bengali Cut & Cleaned {W/O Head} 500 grams
₹435.00/ 500 gmsBengalis call them fish, not seafood. This fish has a unique taste. It is also known as Indian Salmon.
Prices are on Gross Weight.
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Indian Salmon/Gurjali – Whole, Cut & Cleaned {W/Head & Tail} (600 grams)
₹338.00/ 600 gmsBengalis call them fish, not seafood. This fish has a unique taste. It is also known as Indian Salmon.
Prices are on Gross Weight.
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Japani Puti (Desi/Premium)-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (600 gms)
₹140.00/ 600 gmsEach Fish Cut into Half
Puti macher Jhal is a delicious fish stew that is popular in Bengal. In practically every Bengali home, it is one of the most commonly made fish recipes. Bangladesh, West Bengal, and Orissa are all quite popular in terms of this japaniputi mach.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Kachki/Ganges River sprat – Desi-Uncut (300 gms)
₹173.00/ 300 gmsKachki mach, also known as “Ganges River sprat,” resembles a silverfish fish. Since this fish is so small, it does not require cutting or cleaning like other fish. It is sufficient to simply wash them well under running water two or three times.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Kajoli/Kajli/Baspata Fish (Small) – Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (250 gms)
₹389.00/ 300 gmsFreshwater, slimy, small-sized fish are known as “Kajoli Fish,” “Kajli Fish,” or “Kajuli Fish.” Its body is flat and narrow, and it just has one bone. It has a bamboo leaf appearance. It is a true Bengali delicacy and, unsurprisingly, a staple in every Bengali household. This fish can be prepared in a variety of ways, and each method yields delicious results.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Koi -Cultured-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (500 gms)
₹289.00/ 500 gmsThat subtle touch of flavor to your platter. Freshwater koi are prepped for that ultimate rustic Bengali comfort in a bowl. Have this small-sized super fish, a Bengali and Odia essential, in your favorite spicy curry. Offered to you whole, get the most of this wonderfully subtle-flavored fish that is a tad bony but would make you feel it is worth the effort.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Koi (Climbing Gourami)-Desi-Large, Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (500 gms)
₹439.00/ 500 gmsThat subtle touch of flavor to your platter. Freshwater koi, cleaned, gutted, and prepped for that ultimate rustic Bengali comfort in a bowl. Have this small-sized super fish, a Bengali and Odia essential, in your favorite spicy curry. Offered to you whole, get the most of this wonderfully subtle-flavored fish that is a tad bony but would make you feel it is worth the effort.
Prices are on Gross Weight
Koi Fish Large -
Koi (Climbing Gourami)-Desi-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (300 gms)
₹295.00/ 300 gmsThat subtle touch of flavor to your platter. Freshwater koi, cleaned, gutted, and prepped for that ultimate rustic Bengali comfort in a bowl. Have this small-sized super fish, a Bengali and Odia essential, in your favorite spicy curry. Offered to you whole, get the most of this wonderfully subtle-flavored fish that is a tad bony but would make you feel it is worth the effort.
Prices are on Gross Weight
Desi Koi Fish -
Lilantika Fish (Desi)-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (500 grams)
₹115.00/ 500 gmsLilantica has a firm white meat which is a healthier choice for a lunch. Its mild, slightly sweet flavor is easily enhanced with simple seasonings, plus it cooks quickly so you can rely on it for busy weeknight meals.
Prices are on Gross Weight.
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Live River Tangra/ Nona Tangra- Premium-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (500 grams)
₹499.00/ 500 gmsLive Tangra Fish is thoroughly cleaned, gutted, and offered whole. This fish is an excellent source of proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids. With a low density of small bones, this freshwater fish has lean meat that has a mild sweet taste and firm texture. Light and easy Tangra macher tel jhol is simply perfect. It’s tailor-made for a summer day when you want to squeeze some lemon juice over your fish curry and rice and feel instant respite.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Magur (Desi)/Freshwater Catfish( Natural grown) -Cut in Pieces & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (500 grams)
₹649.00/ 500 gmsIt is eaten in West Bengal ‘Magur Macher Jhol’ and is considered good during illness, particularly weakness in body. It is prepared in a light curry sauce with coriander powder and cinnamon powder. It is reportedly fed to children to develop body strength. Catfish meat helps in blood purification.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Mourala/Mola Carplet Fish (Chalani)-Uncut (300 gms)
₹199.00/ 300 gmsMourala Macher Chorchori is a traditional Bengali food that reflects the sincere cooking skills of our forebears. Macher Chorchori is an immensely popular comfort dish, especially in West Bengal, and Orissa. It is a perfectly balanced curry loaded with both vegetables and small fishes. This excellent Bengali dish is mostly relished with hot plain rice.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Mourala/Mola Carplet Fish-Live, Desi-Uncut (300 gms)
₹220.00/ 300 gmsMourala Macher Chorchori is a traditional Bengali food that reflects the sincere cooking skills of our forebears. Macher Chorchori is an immensely popular comfort dish, especially in West Bengal, and Orissa. It is a perfectly balanced curry loaded with both vegetables and small fish. Sizes depend on availability.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Pabda/Butter Fish (Large) (Indian Catfish) – Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (600 gms )
₹399.00/ 600 gmsPabda is a dainty fish with incredibly flavorful meat. The buttery soft meat and silky skin of Pabda fish give rise to the moniker “butterfish.”
It is a fish that lives in sweet water and is related to catfish. It has one big bone in the centre and no scales. However, it possesses a few microscopic bones along the belly, unlike giant catfish. Despite the fact that these tiny bones are quite soft and chewable.Prices are on Gross Weight
Pabda/Butter Fish (Medium) (Indian Catfish) – Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (500 gms)
₹299.00/ 500 gmsPabda fish is a very tasty freshwater fish and it has fine flesh with a soft meat texture, it is in great demand because of high nutrition contains.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Pabda/Butter Fish (Small) (Indian Catfish) – Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (400 gms)
₹259.00/ 400 gmsPabda fish is a very tasty freshwater fish and it has fine flesh with a soft meat texture, it is in great demand because of high nutrition contains.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Pakal (Desi/Premium)-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (300 gms)
₹289.00/ 300 gmsPakal Macher Jhal is a traditional Bengali fish stew that holds a special place in the hearts of food lovers, both in Bengal and beyond. It’s not just a treat for the taste buds but also a highly nutritious addition to any meal. One of the standout qualities of Pakal Macher Jhal is its nutritional value. Pakal fish is an excellent source of lean protein, essential for building and repairing tissues. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their heart-healthy properties, promoting good cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation, and supporting brain health.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Parshe (Madhu/Gol)-River-{Premium}-Medium- Whole, Gutted & Cleaned, (300 gms)
₹239.00/ 300 gmsThis naturally found freshwater Parshe are cleaned, gutted, and prepped for that ultimate Bengali comfort in a bowl. Have this small-sized super fish, a Bengali and Odia essential, in your favorite spicy curry, or steamed with mustard sauce or in a dreamy coconut concoction.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Puti/Swamp Barb (Desi) – Whole, Gutted & Cleaned, (300 gms)
₹199.00/ 250 gmsPuti Maach is a quintessential Bengali fish prepared a lot during peak summertime specially Puti Maach Er Tok (Tangy Fish Stew) & Puti Macher Shorshe Jhal served with steamed white rice.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Rohu (Rui) Kata- Desi -Premium- Bengali Cut – Gada/Peti Pieces {without Head} (500 gms)
₹199.00/ 500 gmsFor those who want to enjoy the best parts of the fish body, this package is packed with shoulder, and lower portion of the belly. Head and tail are excluded from this package. Loaded with an excellent flavor, this freshwater fish is neatly slashed into standard Bengali-Cut Pieces. A bony with a soft texture and elusive flavor makes this fish an excellent choice when it comes to preparing a fish curry.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Rohu (Rui)- Head (1 Piece)
₹89.00/ Piece1 Piece
Size – Medium
One medium-size Rohu(Rui) fish head cleaned, cleaved in two. Meaty with the freshwater sweetness, this one’s strictly crafted for a fish lover. So, if you are looking for the perfect Bengali Moori Ghonto, we have got just the thing for you.
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Rohu (Rui)-Whole (Chalani) {With Head & Tail} (Bengali Cut & Cleaned) (2.3 kg)
₹631.00/ 2.3 kgLoaded with an excellent flavor, this freshwater fish is neatly slashed into standard Bengali-Cut Pieces. A bony with a soft texture and elusive flavor makes this fish an excellent choice when it comes to preparing a fish curry.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Rupchanda/roopchanda-Whole, Gutted, Cut & Cleaned (1 Kg)
₹201.00/ 1 KgCut into Curry Pieces
Chinese pomfret, also known as roopchand, is a freshwater fish with a single bone in the middle and a mild fish flavour. Roopchand have forked tails and flat bodies. They are either fried, curry-cooked, or steam-cooked.Prices are on Gross Weight
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Shol Fish-Live-Large-Boneless Cube Pieces {With out Head & Tail} (300 g)
₹399.00/ 300 gmShol fish is very popular on the eastern side of India. A perfect fish for any occasion or for lunch & dinner. The nutritional value of this fish is very high which is why it is always high in demand.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Shol Fish-Live-Large-Whole-Bengali Cut {With Head & Tail} (1 Kg)
₹599.00/ 1 KgShol fish is very popular on the eastern side of India. A perfect fish for any occasion or for lunch & dinner. The nutritional value of this fish is very high which is why it is always high in demand.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Shol Fish-Live-Whole-Bengali Cut {With Head & Tail} (600 gm)
₹345.00/ 600 gmsShol fish is very popular on the eastern side of India. A perfect fish for any occasion or for lunch & dinner. The nutritional value of this fish is very high which is why it is always high in demand.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Silver Carp -Whole, Gutted, Cut & Cleaned (1 Kg)
₹179.00/ 1 KgCut into Curry Pieces
The only freshwater fish that has fat that can lower blood cholesterol levels is the silver carp. This fish’s fat has similar health benefits to many marine species. This product also has additional advantageous qualities, a high nutritional value, and a low calorie count.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Singi – Desi (Stinging Catfish)-Premium-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (300 gms)
₹412.00/ 300 gmsEmbraced with the high medicinal value this fish is surely a wholesome meal. Markedly sweet flavored, it is the choice if you’re in the mood for something fine tasting. Characteristically mild, you’d love the element of delicacy about this fish. We procure only those fishes which are found naturally in ponds, ditches, swamps, and marshes, so order today and enjoy the authentic taste of Singi.
Prices are on Gross Weight
Desi Singi Fish -
Swarputi/Silver Barb (Desi) – Premium-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (600 gms)
₹272.00/ 600 gmsEach Fish Cut into Half
Puti macher Jhal is a delicious fish stew that is popular in Bengal. In practically every Bengali home, it is one of the most commonly made fish recipes. Bangladesh, West Bengal, and Orissa are all quite popular in terms of this shorputi mach.Prices are on Gross Weight
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Tilapia Fish (Desi)-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (500 grams)
₹156.00/ 500 gmsTilapia is a versatile firm white fish which is a healthy choice for family dinners. Its mild, slightly sweet flavor is easily enhanced with simple seasonings, plus it cooks quickly so you can rely on it for busy weeknight meals.
Prices are on Gross Weight.
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Vangon/Bhangan Fish-Cut into Pieces & Cleaned {With Head & Tail} (450 gm)
₹239.00/ 450 gmCaught from the freshwater, our thoroughly cleaned and gutted Bhangan are offered whole with head & tail. This tender fish is full in flavor with a slightly sweet taste while having a lean, delicate texture. Their delicate texture complements the mild-flavor beautifully, making it an absolute treat to eat not to forget the sweet aftertaste it offers.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Basa/Pangasius – (Keema/Minced), Platinum grade (350 gms)
₹119.00/ 350 gmsThe flaky white meat of basa is very forgiving and has a delicate flavour akin to cod. It doesn’t smell overly fishy and is simple to prepare. So it’s the ideal option for people who have never eaten fish.
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Bele -Desi {Premium} (Scribbled goby) – Whole, Gutted & Cleaned, (250 gms)
₹197.00/ 250 gmsBuy Desi Bele Fish Online
Bengal/Desi Catla(Katla)-Medium- Premium- Live – Whole, Bengali Cut & Cleaned – Gada/Peti Pieces {With Head & Tail} (1.2 Kg)
₹329.00/ 1.2 KgThis live fish is definitely going to make your day. A delight for the Bengali cuisine, which is neatly curved into a medium-sized Bengali-cut piece to help elevate the taste of your delicious curry. It’s sharp flavor and soft texture makes this fish a best buy for you. This fish is recognized by it’s large head and broad stomach.
Cutting- Ring Pieces Cut
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Bhetki (Keema/Minced) – Premium (350 gms)
₹251.00/ 350 gmsThis fish is a treat to your cooking because of its delicacy, richness, and suppleness. It has a wonderful flavour and is finely minced. Get inventive with this keema, which is lean and delicious. Fish keema can be used to make a variety of foods, including fish balls and kebabs.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Boroli (Desi/Premium)-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (300 gms)
₹399.00/ 300 gmsSmall Boroli fish may be tiny, but they’re nutritional powerhouses, rich in protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Their bones are edible, providing an extra dose of calcium for bone health.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Catla(Katla) Peti – Large {Belly part} (Chalani), Peti Pieces Only (500 gms)
₹338.00/ 500 gmsIf you are planning for a Catla Kaliya recipe then this package is ideal for you requirement. Belly portion is the best part of the fish body, this package is packed with belly portion only. A delight for the Bengali cuisine, which is neatly curved into a medium-sized Bengali-cut piece to help elevate the taste of your delicious curry. This freshwater fish has a sharp flavor and soft texture which makes this fish a best buy for you. This fish is recognized by it’s large head and broad stomach.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Nados/Meni Fish/Gangetic leaf fish/Nandus/-Whole, Gutted & Cleaned (300 gm)
₹249.00/ 350 gmNados fish, also known as Meni Mach in Bengal, is a freshwater rare fish that occurs frequently in ditches and inundated fields. The fish is known for its taste and high nutritional values.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Parshe (Madhu/Gol)-River-{Premium}-Extra Large- Whole, Gutted & Cleaned, (350 gms)
₹319.00/ 350 gmsFreshwater Parshe are cleaned, gutted, and prepped for that ultimate Bengali comfort in a bowl. Have this small-sized super fish, a Bengali and Odia essential, in your favorite spicy curry, or steamed with mustard sauce or in a dreamy coconut concoction.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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Ritha/Rita – Whole, Bengali Cut & Cleaned With Head & Tail (1.1 Kg)
₹699.00/ PieceThe Ritha fish from Kolkatfish is available as Bengali Cut. With its head removed and thoroughly cleaned, the fish is neatly sliced. The Bagrid catfish, scientifically known as Bagridae, is a family of catfish found in freshwater habitats across parts of Asia.
Prices are on Gross Weight
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